January 14, 2010

Tabboule Salad


1 bunch of organic Italian parsley rinsed 
½ bunch of mint leaves rinsed
2  medium tomatoes
2-3 scallions rinsed
1 tablespoon of extra fine burgul
2 juiced lemons
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
Salt to taste

 The trick to the tabboule salad is to finely chop it. Now is a good time to use your best paring knife. Chop parsley and place in salad bowl. Chop mint leaves, dice tomatoes, and slice scallions and add to the tabboule.  

In a small bowl, mix the lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, and add salt. Rinse burgul, and squeeze excess water. Mix dressing and burgul with salad and serve.  You have made your first tabboule!

Serves 2

January 13, 2010


Hi, After years of wanting to start this blog finally I did!!!! I will start by some intro here. Cooking is a passion for me and it has been for the last 30 something years. It all started by taking notes from my mom and grandma for my handwritten recipe book. I kept updating the book until I realized I had it in three different languages. I started a project last year translating all the recipes I accumulated and put them all on file for my daughter. (wishful thinking!) Anyhow she will have on hand if she decides to make a dish from her Lebanese-Armenian heritage.